



What I offer

Marketing & Branding Design

I’m wearing a multitude of hats that help businesses effortlessly take their design, marketing & branding efforts to their highest potential with just one person. I specialize in creating eye-catching digital graphics and print materials to maintain a consistent brand identity. My superpowers include brand development, mastering typography, acing layout design, and sprinkling a touch of authenticity on visuals, resulting in top-notch marketing materials that always stay up to date.

UX & UI Design

As a graduated UX/UI designer, I have vast knowledge in user research, from qualitative research, and user flow design to applying mental models and persona in product development. On top of that, I have successfully implemented site mapping workshops through card sorting, and wireframing conceptual models and prototype them in an interactive manner. With an in-depth knowledge of design, I have created user-friendly interfaces and implemented successfully brand guidelines. My design process is iterative, relying on usability testing, prioritisation and feasibility.

Digital Strategy

In the past, I have especially focused on email and social media strategy and management. My experience extends to integrating these strategies with the website and optimizing visual assets, which includes A/B testing and crafting engaging landing pages. My approach is holistic, always tailored to specific business goals, and to effectively target the audiences. I take pride in my strong problem-solving skills, grounded in a logical and realistic approach, ensuring that the concepts I develop are not only creative but also feasible.

Motion Graphics

With a solid background in conceptualizing and creating captivating animations, I'm ready to elevate the visual universe of your business. From crafting immersive 2D and 3D animations to designing visually stunning graphics and typography animations, I've got a knack for bringing stories to life. I’m especially experienced in animating ads and digital content to catch the eye and drive actions.

Digital Concept Development

Aside from my creative side & design practice, I have an analytical part that loves problem-solving and structures. My background in ideation, digital concept development, user research and prototyping for diverse digital media endeavours brings to the table fresh ideas that align with user and business needs. I have developed concepts for digital marketing and digital product development that succeed in thinking outside the box and innovate.

Tools & Softwares


✸ Miro ✸ Asana ✸ Excel ✸ InVision ✸ Aseprite ✸ ClickUp ✸ JavaScript ✸ GitHub ✸


✸ Blender ✸ Mailchimp ✸ Adobe XD ✸ Adobe Premier Pro ✸ WebFlow ✸ WordPress ✸ Later ✸ HTML/CSS ✸ Keynote ✸


✸ Adobe Photoshop ✸ Adobe Illustrator ✸ Figma ✸ Adobe InDesign ✸ Adobe After Effects ✸ Squarespace ✸ Notion ✸ Lightroom ✸ PowerPoint ✸ Canva ✸ Word ✸

The Results

Over a 3 year period our film production company, Karmacat Studios, worked together with Andreea to create visuals for a number of projects for a wide array of clients. She started as an intern and we quickly discovered her talent and versatility when it comes to creating impactful visuals that fits the specific project and client.

Andreea represents a new generation of multimedia wizards. With a great understanding of modern aesthetics within graphic design, she would always help our productions break new ground and stay up to date with our competition while pushing the creative boundaries in design and filmmaking. 

More importantly than being a great asset, she quickly became our good friend. This helped create great atmosphere and working conditions, even in tough circumstances. I can recommend Andreea because she still is the first person that comes to mind when I think about what raw talent, great drive and a positive mindset looks like.

— Julius Houkjær, Rocket Road Pictures

Andreea Fernea har været ansat hos os som grafisk designer i perioden okt. 2019 til feb. 2021. Vi ansatte Andreea mens hun stadig studerede og havde derfor kun 1 dag på kontoret om ugen, resten lavede hun hjemmefra.

Andreea stod for alt vores design af label til vores eget brand, emballage (poser og kasser), nyhedsbreve til vores kundekreds og tilbud til nye og gamle kunder, samt har hun taget billeder for os af vores produkter.

Alle opgaver er løst til fuld tilfredshed. Hun arbejder meget selvstændigt og har god forståelse for de behov vi havde i firmaet. Hun sætter høje krav til sit arbejde og aflevere ikke noget andet det er gennemarbejdet.

Vi var utroligt glade for at have Andreea i vores hus, hun mødte altid frisk og veloplagt. Andreea ønskede selv at stoppe hos os, da hun var ved at være færdig udannet og søgte nye udfordringer. Andreea var vores første grafiske designer, vi lærte også utrolig meget fra hende og giver hende vores bedste anbefalinger.

— SweetKitchen Engros